I marvel once again at how God blesses in ways that meet my heart's desire. Last week I was struggling with my food situation. This week I cooked a tasty meal that I could enjoy for several days and I'm already excited about preparing the next meal.
I also knew I needed to get back into a regular exercise routine. I've been trying to get onto a schedule but here the culture supports late nights which makes it challenging to walk early in the morning. I don't mind, being a night owl myself, but I knew I needed to walk more than my weekly hike down the mountain to get groceries.
Then Grethel invited me to join a walking group that goes three times a week from 6-7 in the evening. It fits my schedule perfectly since I'm not doing anything during that time and now that I no longer rely on eating in the cafeteria, I'm able to get off work and get ready to go without being too stressed about exercising right after a meal. Tonight I joined them for the first time and it was a great workout! We walked up about 80 stairs and then down the hill several times. I'm pretty sure I'll be feeling it tomorrow!
I was really happy to meet Lilian, a mutual friend of the guys in the walking group. She teaches at one of the Adventist elementary schools, went to MEU, and is a really nice young lady. I asked her if she went to the church down the hill and she told me she isn't Adventist but that she believes in God. Her parents, a mixture of Catholic and Orthodox, raised her to know about God and then gave her the choice to choose. I think that is wise and it is necessary to allow young people to make their own decisions about faith and spirituality. We had a good chat and hopefully I can invite her to social activities up here.
My favourite part of the evening was heading down the hill to a fruit cocktail shop to hang out. Susu met us there and we had a variety of juices and fruit cocktails to enjoy. I should have taken a picture of mine but I didn't bring my camera since I was walking. It came in a tall clear glass, with green avocado puree on the bottom half, then a strawberry/banana smoothie for the top half with pieces of chopped fruit mixed in, then a gorgeous arrangement of blanched almonds, slivers of Asian pear, banana slices, a wedge of fresh pineapple, a single slice of ripe sweet mango, and a black grape balanced on top to perfect the sweet treat.
It was so lovely to spend time catching up with old friends and talking to new ones. While it's true that we have to re-start our friendships, since we've been living separate lives for 17 years, it is easier than talking to strangers because we have a shared history which I appreciate. As I sat there, drinking it all in (literally and figuratively), I marveled at how God orchestrated the evening. I was able to exercise, make a new friend, be part of a social gathering, and even enjoy a delicious fruit supper!
Coming here, my heart's desire was to connect with people. I have good friends in the States and I miss them terribly, but we all live such busy lives and most of my dearest friends have moved away. I treasured the times spent with those who still lived in the area but I wanted to have a life filled, not with Netflix or work, but with companionship. God knew and He has answered.
Because I've lived here before, I've had the opportunity to be part of groups from my past. Then I also dedicated time to getting to know people when I came, which gave me the opportunity to connect with other groups. Finally, friends I'd known in other countries who lived here now gave me another way to connect. This, I think, is how my nights and weekends have been filled along with being part of choir and any church-related activities.
If someone is thinking of going as a missionary to a foreign country, I would encourage you to be prepared for loneliness but to push through it and step outside of your comfort zone as much as possible so you can connect with people. I'm already sad thinking about leaving in 10 months because of the dear friends I've made here. Making friends is important because they give you support, cheer you up, and bring you closer to God.
And in the process, don't discount the small things. Sitting with someone, listening, being present in a gathering even if you don't understand a single word anyone is saying, no matter how challenging it is, is worth it because you're showing up and you're there.
A couple of weeks ago, I was up on the roof arguing with God. I was frustrated because I thought I had one purpose to fulfill and I was coming up against a brick wall when I tried to pursue that purpose. I didn't know what to do and so I pleaded with God to show me since I was convinced He'd brought me here. Minutes later, my phone lit up. Come to movie night with the girls! I wiped the tears away and headed down to eat popcorn and watch War Room (I highly recommend it).
It wasn't a spectacular life-changing moment--that evening. Life carried on with the mundane and the usual routine. Yet I began to notice opportunities that steered me away from my chosen purpose and towards a God-chosen purpose. I still haven't figured it all out but I think it's related to connecting and mentoring others. I believe His purposes for us are often tied to fulfilling our heart's desires within His will because He has placed those in our heart for a reason. I'm sure God will make it all clear over time and I'm looking forward to learning more!
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