At last! After wasting 30 minutes trying to log in to my account only to keep seeing a page with Arabic writing that made no sense to me, I switched browsers on my phone and was able to log in, still through an Arabic interface but this time I went by memory, as I typed in my username and watched it appear on the screen from right to left. This is one of the realities of living in a different country. It's funny how I easily get frustrated but then why shouldn't the default computer language in a Middle Eastern country be Arabic? As you've guessed by now, yes, my laptop is once again in the shop. I hope he can fix it but it may be time for a new one.
This week was my birthday week. To celebrate, several of my friends and I were planning to go out to eat but then I thought it would be nice to do something different. With the help of friends, I prepared a meal on campus. Instead of presents, I asked everyone to bring a donation for a very special project. There is a school nearby for refugee children but it only goes till grade 6. The director is planning to send 8 kids who've finished the highest grade there to continue studying at another Christian school. It costs about $1,000 per child. I was so pleased that the 25+ guests were able to raise $467 at the lunch! It was an enjoyable day but also very full with 5 hours of cooking and cleaning up after.
This week I also celebrated 4 months here. I have now passed the 1/3 mark. I'm surprisingly still not apprehensive about the future though this is only a1-year contract. I'm trusting God to clearly guide and intrigued to see how His plan will unfold. I can see looking back that He has been leading to this point. I'm also amazed at how much has been packed into these 4 months. I'm thankful for the experiences as they have helped me grow and filled my heart with joy.
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