Today was such a busy day! After work and a farewell potluck for the person I'll be replacing, four of us hopped in a taxi and headed to Dora (pronounced Dowra) square where we caught a minivan to downtown. We saw the Blue Mosque (but only the guys went cuz we didn't have scarves and weren't sure if we could even go in), surreptitiously took pictures inside St. Georges Cathedral, and unfortunately didn't get to go in the synagogue because it was closed. Quite amazing to find all these religions within a few blocks of each other.
After a good walk around downtown and frozen yogurt at Pinkberry, we headed back by minivan and taxi to do some grocery shopping. We weren't sure where to catch the minivan but thankfully one goes by every 5 minutes and all you have to do is walk in the direction you want to go. Then they honk as they pass and if you give the slightest indication that you want to hop in, they swerve over to the side and you pile in. It only costs the equivalent of 67 cents to go one way which is really handy. Of course the seats are old and often there is a strong smell of body odor and there are no seatbelts, but we just hang on and push the window open a little further.
We were so thankful to find a staff member in the grocery store who was heading back up the hill so we didn't have to flag a taxi or walk up. Then I had supper (the caf makes a little bowl of soup for me each evening that isn't heavily seasoned so I can season it myself, which is quite nice), sent out the e-newsletter, and rushed to home vespers.
My calendar says, write it in your heart that every day is the best day in the year. I like it. I'm intrigued to see how God will continue to write this chapter of my life.
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