Monday, July 18, 2016

Seek Joy

What a busy few days it has been! I've learned two life lessons that have been very helpful. First, that God cares about the smallest details of my life and wants me to be happy, and second, that there are many kind people in my world who show God's love to me and who I want to be more like.

Sunday came entirely too fast this time. Usually I plan my Sundays in advance, deciding whether to go on a hike or sightseeing with friends. It's my day to tour the city or the mountains. I'd looked at the hiking group's event for this Sunday and it didn't sound too enticing, especially with the heat we've been having lately. Other plans fell through also so by Saturday evening I was feeling a little sad that I didn't have anywhere to go the next day. Little did I know that I'd have the best Sunday yet. . .

Sunday morning I woke up to a text from my friend asking if I had plans for the day. Dress comfy, she said, as we were going on a long drive. I headed over to find out they were off to a monastery 2 hours drive away to see if they could pick up some lost items from a retreat that some people had been to a month or so before. After a scrumptious lunch of Indian curries and pickles and puris, we piled into the car, babies and all. The boys were happy to go for a drive and I was excited to explore a place I hadn't been before.

The traffic was light, the mountainous view was spectacular, and the company was delightful. We got to the monastery, then my friend and I wandered about while her husband watched the boys. I got to feed W which was so nice because he wasn't sleeping like he often does but was alert and drinking from his bottle very nicely. I'm becoming good at burping the boys and learning how to hold them so they are comfortable. W is a climber, he'd probably climb right over my shoulder if I'd let him, but he also likes to be held snugly. D is the content little Buddha who sits silently observing his world, but he knows exactly when he isn't getting attention and will let you know too. Both boys coo and smile and share baby-talk and are the most precious little twins I've ever known.

After our little trek around, we headed back, stopping at a roadside stand to buy some local homemade jam. The lady insisted we sample just about every flavour, from cherry to kiwi to mango to fig. I ended up buying the first one I tasted, which by process of elimination I think is mulberry. It's red and it's not strawberry or cherry! Then we had a leisurely drive home, with a quick stop to get falafel sandwiches for supper. It was my first time to eat a proper falafel sandwich and my heart and belly were happy!

Today I spent the evening with some friends from my previous time here. We went to a Chinese restaurant for a meal then hung out at Starbucks (yes, they have them here too!) and chatted and laughed as we reminisced about old days and talked about life. It was a time that filled my heart as the guys paid for my meal, held doors open for me, and made sure I was safe while crossing the street (here, cars drive rapidly and there's no such thing as a pedestrian crossing, more like a pedestrian-running-between-cars). Their kindness and thoughtfulness brought me joy.

I'd planned my own agenda for Sunday and tonight. On Sunday I was going to clean my room and do other things in preparation for my trip back to Cali for a few weeks. Tonight I felt really tired and wanted to just stay in my room and rest. But as has happened many times before, God rearranged my schedule and filled it with moments that made me smile.

A special speaker this weekend talked about how God hears our heart's desires and answers them in a way that is beautifully tailored just for us. He created us so He knows how to bring us joy and happiness. I saw it in my own life and I'm positive He does the same for others also. I just need to remember that and to--as ever--seek joy.

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