Thursday, April 14, 2016

The Miracle Keyboard

I'm thrilled beyond words! As you know, my laptop keyboard died an untimely and unwarranted death, though I'm wondering if all the crumbs of the last 3 years of eating whilst writing may have contributed to it. . . Anyhow, this afternoon I was mentioning to my friend that I needed to go to City Mall so I could find a computer repair shop and see if they could fix my keyboard or I could find a USB keyboard. She suddenly brightened up and said, I have a USB keyboard! It was a Mac one but she wasn't using it. She reminded me to remind her at supper and we parted ways.

After a wonderful brisk walk this evening and fruit cocktails at the little place down the hill, we headed back to our respective rooms in the dorm. Then Marisa reminded me, I have that keyboard you can try. I picked it up and went to my room, pulled my laptop out of the depths of a suitcase where I'd relegated it to uselessness, and turned it on. I used the on-screen keyboard to type in my password, thinking I would have to install software at best though likely the Mac keyboard wouldn't be compatible with my HP laptop.

I opened up a Word document and started typing. Words began to appear. I was so surprised and thrilled that I could write once again! When I turned on my laptop several days ago, I prayed for God to fix it. I reminded Him that I needed to use it to write and stay connected with family and friends. I turned on the power and watched sadly as it refused to cooperate. I had imagined this might happen. I knew God could work a miracle--that I didn't doubt--but I didn't know if this was the time for Him to do so.

Sometimes the miracles we ask God to perform are realized through the people around us. I'm a very giving person and I love it when someone needs an item that I have or help with a problem that I can solve. My friend Marisa is also a giving person. She was happy to lend me her keyboard because she knew she didn't need it and I would be able to use it. God did answer my original prayer but He used a friend to fill in the gap.

In the same way, God can easily proclaim salvation to the whole world without our help. Yet, He delights in giving us a part to play in the joy of sharing the good news with others. Tonight I brought a folded piece of paper with me to the cocktail shop. Sarah* was there and I looked for an opportunity to hand her the paper on which I'd written my favourite Bible verse. Whenever I think of her, I pray for her. I'm not sure exactly how things work in this country when it comes to sharing my faith. I think it's not as restrictive as others but I still want to be respectful of others even as I pray for the Holy Spirit to impress me with opportunities to share God's love with others. Thank you for praying with me.

*As mentioned before, this is not her real name.

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